Friday, August 19, 2011


Sometimes when he's feeling bad, very bad, I can be very angry at him.

He almost lost his job. His part-time job at a mooncake factory. He was parking his motorbike when he accidently hit the big tray with ALL fresh mooncake. And his salary for the past two weeks were summoned as compensation.

He was depressed when he pick me up from Waacking lessons. I can see it in his eyes, he felt bad and he didn't really want to talk about it. When he finally told me what happened, he apologized.

We were planning to go on a vacation somewhere near when he earn some money. And he was also intending to buy me a Valentine present. I didn't really need it, actually. I told him I have him and that's more than enough and there is nothing more I can ask from him. I'm not comforting him, it's true! As for the vacation, we've been together for 5 months but never really went anywhere to really DATE.

What's really getting on my nerves is that when he felt bad, felt sorry, he just don't listen to anyone else. And kept skulking for the whole night, whole day, even whole week but not even finding a way to solve the problem! It's heartbreaking enough to see him unhappy, and it felt even worse when I cannot help him even if I tried!! "Nevermind"s,"It's alright"s,"Don't worry"s,"I'll be here for you"s were always said but he still whine and groan.

Sometimes I can handle it, but there are times when I really wanted to shout at him. That I have my own day, I have my own problems too but I NEVER complain and skulk like he did!!

It's like he never know that what's hurting him is hurting me as much as well.

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